We can provide parenting courses ‘Circle of Security’ and ‘Bringing up great Kids’ plus many other resources on attunement and how best to connect with your children. (Attunement is a process of giving complete, nonjudgemental, responsive attention to another person through eye contact, and other more or less nonverbal forms of attention and response.)

We adapt and share the PACE model by Dan Hughes (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy) PACE is a way of thinking, feeling, communicating and behaving that aims to make the child feel safe. It is based upon how parents connect with their children. As with young toddlers, with safety the child can begin to explore.

With PACE, the troubled child can start to look at himself and let others start to see them and get closer emotionally. They can start to trust and with a sense of safety can begin to explore, trust and grow.